Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0034: How do I install Jutoh on Linux? | Next: KB0036: Why does HTML/Epub import not preserve all my styles?

KB0035: Why do Jutoh and Windows sometimes use different shortcuts?

When you choose a document in a shortcut and launch it, sometimes the application that opens the document is not the one you expected (or the one used by Windows Explorer). This is because you have overridden the standard associations with different associations in Explorer - but this is not reflected in the basic association that Jutoh uses.

You can fix this by making the association more pervasive. In Explorer (while browsing a drive, for example), go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options. Click on the File Types tab and scroll down to the extension you're interested in. Click on the extension. If there is a button named Restore, click it, and it will change to Advanced. Now click on Advanced and you will be able to select the application you want to associate with the extension. Click on open in the list of actions, and then click on Edit. Enter the program path in the second text field. If you browse for it, don't forget to add %1 to the end, to represent the data file to be opened. Press OK to confirm the changes, and then OK again to confirm the association changes.

You may wish to make a note of the original settings in case you want to restore them.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0034: How do I install Jutoh on Linux? | Next: KB0036: Why does HTML/Epub import not preserve all my styles?