Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0057: How to find rogue characters for EpubCheck 'invalid XML character' errors | Next: KB0059: How do I change a document title?

KB0058: How do I update EpubCheck?

The latest Jutoh has a recent EpubCheck built-in but if you need another version, you can edit Preferences/Helpers/Epub checker command, which usually looks like this:

java -Xss1024k -jar "$APPDIR$/epubcheck-4.0.1/epubcheck-4.0.1.jar"

Just replace the filename with the full new path where you installed your EpubCheck.

If you later want to reset the field back to the default value, clear the field, click OK, and restart Jutoh.

The "-Xss1024k" part is needed to increase the stack space for the increasingly large EpubCheck program, otherwise it may not run.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0057: How to find rogue characters for EpubCheck 'invalid XML character' errors | Next: KB0059: How do I change a document title?