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KB0071: How do I format small caps?

Small capitals can be applied to a named style or directly to text via the Font tab of the style editor. For convenience, you could add a character style called "Small Caps" that just has this attribute defined.

When generating Epub and Kindle ebooks, Jutoh can generate small caps either by using the official font-variant CSS attribute, or by emulating it by emitting capital letters and shrinking the text. Adobe Digital Editions and some other ereaders do not support font-variant, but all ereaders will do a reasonable job using small caps emulation, so by default emulation is used. Unfortunately using emulation mean that there will be no difference between the size between letters specified as upper and lower case.

To use font-variant instead of emulation, clear the Emulate small caps configuration option. For those ereaders that support it (for example, Kindle readers, Apple Books, and the Azardi software), font-variant is a superior method since it renders real capitals larger than the lower case letters. However, if you're targeting multiple ereaders with the same Epub file, emulation is safer.

If you wish to add small caps to the first few words of your chapters, there's a handy option in the Formatting Cleanup dialog (accessed from the Format | Book menu) to do just that. Before using it, you’ll need to create a "Small Caps" character style.

Note that Jutoh will only show small caps with differently-sized letters for capitals/lower case in the editor if you have View | Text Highlighting enabled. Otherwise, small caps text will be shown as the same-sized small capitals.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0070: There are lots of document tabs! How do I close them? | Next: KB0072: What are guide types?