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KB0106: Why do footnotes in exported ODT files not display correctly?

In previous versions of Jutoh, after exporting a project with footnotes or endnotes to ODT and opening it in LibreOffice Writer or OpenOffice Writer, you may have found that there is no differentiation between the note numbering and the text, for example "1My footnote".

From Jutoh 2.14, the "Footnote Characters" character style is created if it doesn't already exist, in order to format the number with a superscript. If you don't like the formatting, you can change it by creating a "Footnote Characters" character style in Jutoh or in LibreOffice/OpenOffice. If the style is differently named when working in a different language, try creating an identical style with the appropriate name, such as "Fußnotenzeichen" for German.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0105: Why does my cover image not show on a Kobo device? | Next: KB0107: On Linux, I get 'Sorry, the existing instance of Jutoh may be too busy too respond'