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KB0133: How do I add letter spacing for Epub and Kindle books?

Letter spacing isn't an option you can set in the GUI, but you could add custom CSS for a named character style (create a character style, click Advanced, then Custom CSS). However this style might not work if you then apply direct formatting, since automatic styles might be created.

Instead, you can select the text and add a span object via the Objects tab in the Formatting Palette. Then click Advanced and add the relevant CSS to "Custom properties" (the final property in the list), or assign a CSS class in "Class".

To save doing the second step every time you apply the object, you can right-click over "span" in the Objects palette, and click "Make custom tag". Enter a name for your new object and press OK. Now enter your custom properties (such as letter-spacing:0.3em) or class name. Press OK. The new span appears in the list, and you can use it without needing to adjust the attributes.

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