Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0139: How can popup footnotes be implemented for Kindle? | Next: KB0141: I have problems with page styles and ODT generation

KB0140: Why does the Epub NavMap display incorrectly in NOOK Press?

If you see the table of contents created by the Navigation Map (NCX) display file names instead of section titles, it may be because you are using an advanced table of contents that generates fragment identifiers (bookmarks) to particular parts of your sections. NOOK Press can't cope with fragment identifiers in the NCX. Try checking the configuration option Force simple NavMap so that a simplified NCX without fragment identifiers is generated. Your HTML contents page will be untouched.

Alternatively, you can tell NOOK Press to use your original Epub instead of being processed by the NOOK Press editor.

Note that if using NOOK Press, you may also need to switch off Generate cover page.

Keywords: Nook, NOOKPress, NCX

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0139: How can popup footnotes be implemented for Kindle? | Next: KB0141: I have problems with page styles and ODT generation