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KB0142: Fixed layout Kindle book does not adapt properly to portrait and landscape orientations

If your ebook contains individual left and right pages, whether you created them like that in Jutoh or changed configuration settings to split the pages up, you might expect that Kindle will show single pages in portrait orientation, and then two paired pages at a time in landscape orientation.

For this to work, you need to leave the Orientation lock set to (none) and make sure that if you are editing each double-page spread in a single Jutoh document, you have set Pages per spread to Two in order to tell Jutoh to split them up. Finally, set Synthesize spreads to Landscape.

In the past, it has also been necessary to switch off the configuration option Auto region magnification, but this may not be required now.

Let's look at a number of different combinations of settings. First, a reminder of what the configuration options mean.

Editing each half of a spread individually

Let's say you have created your book as one left or right page per fixed layout document, where each page is 1536x2048 pixels.

To show the book as portrait and double-page landscape wherever possible, use the following fixed layout configuration settings:

Orientation lock: (none)
Pages per spread: Two
Synthesize spreads: Landscape
Page width: 1536
Page height: 2048

To show the book in fixed portrait mode always, you will need these settings:

Orientation lock: Portrait
Pages per spread: Two
Synthesize spreads: Default
Page width: 1536
Page height: 2048

If you want the book to be fixed in landscape orientation, you will need these settings:

Orientation lock: Landscape
Pages per spread: One
Synthesize spreads: Default
Page width: 3072
Page height: 2048

Note the value of 3072 (double 1536) since Jutoh will be creating a single HTML file representing each whole double-page spread. We specify One for Pages per spread because Kindle requires that a fixed landscape double-page spread is specified as a single HTML file.

Editing the whole double page spread at once

Let's say instead that you had created a double-page spread for each fixed layout document (as the Birds example does), where each page is 3072x2048. To have the book adapt to portrait and landscape modes, showing one page only in portrait mode and two in landscape mode, use these settings:

Orientation lock: (none)
Pages per spread: Two
Synthesize spreads: Landscape
Page width: 1536
Page height: 2048

Because you specified Two for Pages per spread, and assuming you marked each page as Double page spread in the Page type, Jutoh will chop your edited pages into two to use as left and right pages.

To achieve fixed portrait layout where each half of the spread is shown at a time, you would need these settings:

Orientation lock: Portrait
Pages per spread: Two
Synthesize spreads: Default
Page width: 1536
Page height: 2048

For fixed landscape orientation:

Orientation lock: Landscape
Pages per spread: One
Synthesize spreads: Default
Page width: 3072
Page height: 2048

Only ever showing one page at a time

If you want only one page to show at a time, whether in landscape and portrait orientation, create each page as a double page spread (set Page type to Double page spread in each page) and use these configuration settings:

Orientation lock: (none)
Pages per spread: Default
Synthesize spreads: Default
Page width: the width of each page
Page height: the height of each page

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0141: I have problems with page styles and ODT generation | Next: KB0143: What do I do if my Kindle book is rejected by Amazon?