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KB0194: Dealing with non-contiguous lists

A non-contiguous list comprises numbered items that are not in a strict sequence, e.g. 1, 4, 5, 8. You might also have a non-contiguous list if the items themselves are numbered sequentially, but there are intervening paragraphs that are not formatted as list items, for example a subheading or even a blank paragraph. In Jutoh (and most formats), such items are not considered part of the same list.

You can create non-contiguous lists by selecting some list paragraphs and using Format | Lists | Renumber, specifying a number that is more than 1 plus the number of the previous list item.

Non-contiguous lists may also be caused by the list style for each item being different, despite the fact that the intention is to create a single list. Documents imported from word processor might have this problem.

In fact, Jutoh can generate working ebook code from lists like these. But there is a snag: in HTML 4 and Epub 2, they are not strictly valid because they require the presence of a 'value' attribute in the list code, and this syntax is deprecated in these versions of HTML and Epub. So non-contiguous lists will fail Epubcheck validation for Epub 2, even though the syntax works perfectly well in most Epub ereaders, and also in Kindle devices and web browsers. If your book fails Epubcheck, it may be rejected from a variety of distributors that use Epub.

So Jutoh will give a warning if non-contiguous lists are found when compiling Epub 2 (only). Double-clicking on the warning shows the offending list item.

To eliminate the warning, you can remove the list formatting by using the command Format | Lists | Clear List Formatting, and adding an explicit number to the front of the paragraph. Or, set the configuration option Epub version to 3 (or use or add the configuration "Epub 3") if your distributor accepts Epub 3 files. Kindle files are fine with non-contiguous lists.

Currently there is no automatic way to clean up non-contiguous lists, because Jutoh would have to look an arbitrary distance ahead to check for later, potentially non-contiguous, list items. This would be time-consuming and potentially error-prone if Jutoh misjudges the intended use of the list items.

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