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KB0199: How can I copy or import styles from another project?

You can copy style sheets in various ways:

  1. saving a style sheet to a file and loading it again via Project Properties/Styles;

  2. importing from a project with the menu command File | Import | Import from Project, adjusting Options to specify what to import;

  3. specifying a style sheet template (exported via Project Properties/Styles) when creating your project with the File | New Project command;

  4. specifying a project template when creating your project. The project template is simply a Jutoh project file with suitable style sheet(s).

Note that opening multiple projects in Jutoh and copying content between projects should also copy the relevant style(s) to the current style sheet, if they don't exist already. To ensure a paragraph's style will be preserved, be sure to position the text cursor on the line following the paragraph before copying, or Jutoh will assume only a text fragment is being copied.

To open multiple projects simultaneously in Jutoh, enable Preferences/Projects/View multiple projects.

To merge the styles in one sheet with the styles in another, open a previously-saved style sheet with the same name as an existing one (e.g. Default Style Sheet) in Project Properties/Styles, and answer Yes to the question Keep any styles not defined in the new sheet?. This will cause the new styles to be merged with the styles in the selected file.

Unfortunately, individual styles cannot be copied between projects. However, you can effectively do this if you copy paragraphs from one project to another: Jutoh will transfer the relevant styles to the current style sheet of the receiving project. So, you could maintain a separate project with the styles you want, and have a document illustrating the use of these styles. Then copy and paste these paragraphs to an arbitrary document in your project, and immediately delete them. The copied styles should be retained in your style sheet.

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