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KB0102: How can I crop or resize images before importing them into Jutoh?

Jutoh does not have an image editor built in, although you can instruct Jutoh to resize images when creating an ebook, if they exceed a maximum width or height - see the Maximum image width and Maximum image height configuration properties.

If you need to crop, resize or edit the content of an image, you could try a free image editor such as Paint.NET for Windows. More alternatives for Windows can be found here:

On Linux, the image editor GIMP is usually built in. On Mac OS X, you could try Paintbrush.

Once you have edited an image, you can paste it into Jutoh or insert it from a file via Format | Insert | Picture. Note that inserting the picture from a file gives more control over the format in which Jutoh stores the picture. Pasting always stores the image as a PNG.

You can copy existing images to the clipboard for editing by right-clicking on the image and choosing Copy. When you edit the properties of an image (right-click and choose Properties), there are Import and Export commands.

Keywords: image, picture, photo, editor, manipulation

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