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KB0190: Why is there a duplicate cover in my book?

See also: Navigation goes to the wrong section on Kindle

If you find your generated ebook has more than one cover when viewed in ereader software or on a device, it's probably because you have an explicit cover section within your project file. It may have been added when you imported your project from an existing file. You should delete this section document, because Jutoh generates a cover from the cover design in your Jutoh project.

Another reason why you should leave cover page generation to Jutoh is that Jutoh will decide whether an HTML cover page is necessary (for example, when generating Epub) and when it should be suppressed (for example, when generating Kindle files). On Kindle, only a cover image should be present, and not a separate HTML cover page. So, use the appropriate configuration for the format you're generating, and use the Kindle configuration if uploading to KDP to avoid an unnecessary extra cover.

A third reason why there may appear to be an extra cover is due to a bug in Kindle, whereby both the cover and title page entries in the logical contents (navigation map/NCX) link to the cover. There is a workaround.

You can change whether a cover HTML page will be generated by using the configuration option Generate cover page, but you should not normally need to adjust this because it is already set appropriately in the relevant configurations.

You may see a tip like this:

TIP (Jutoh): the cover image in document 'Book Cover' may duplicate the cover that Jutoh generates.

Jutoh emits this message when the first document in the project contains a single image and no text, and the title contains the word 'cover'. If you actually want this extra cover to appear, either just ignore the message or change the title to avoid the word 'cover'.

Keywords: two covers, extra cover

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