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KB0097: When I try to open a Jutoh project in Linux I get the error 'Could not display MyFile.jutoh'

If you try to open a Jutoh project file outside of Jutoh from a file manager in Ubuntu, Mint and other Linux systems, you may get an error message:

Could not display MyFile.jutoh
There is no application installed for SQLite3 database files.
Do you want to search for an application to open this file?

You need to click No to dismiss this dialog.

You can still open the projects from within Jutoh. The Welcome window on the Jutoh Desktop provides a quick way to open recently-edited files.


Bring up a terminal window and type this:

sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

If you now press F5 in the file manager window to refresh it, you should see the icons change, and you can now double-click the file to open it in Jutoh.

If a default application is still not associated with the Jutoh Project type, type this in a terminal:

jutoh finishinstall

which makes Jutoh the default application for the Jutoh Project type by executing the command:

xdg-mime default jutoh.desktop application/x-jutohproject

Alternative solution

Try this if the above doesn't work.

After updating the mime database, you may still be getting the error:

Could not display "MyFile.jutoh"
There is no application installed for Jutoh Project Files.

The association between the Jutoh project mime type and the Jutoh program may have been broken.

On Gnome, you can fix it as follows:

  1. Right-click over the Jutoh file and click Properties.

  2. Click the Open With tab and click Show Other Applications (or press Add on some systems).

  3. Click on Jutoh, and then on Set As Default if available.

  4. Click Close.

On KDE, it's a similar procedure, using Open With on the context menu.

You should now be able to double-click on Jutoh project files to open them with Jutoh.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0096: Jutoh complains that the cover design does not exist | Next: KB0098: How do I delete a project file?