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KB0228: Why does Jutoh warn about hard-wired colours?

You may see messages like this if the reporting option is set to High:

TIP (Jutoh): style Normal in document My Document has a hard-wired text colour.

For Epub, Kindle and HTML files, Jutoh checks whether text colour is specified as black, or background colour is specified as white. Although it may look fine in Jutoh and when you preview the book, 'fixed' colour defeats some reading modes (for example, a white text on black background mode) and can cause your book to be rejected from distributors.

Jutoh will give one tip per style, to avoid a flood of messages if the style has been used frequently. Thousands of tips could be offputting. If you find that the tip mentions a different paragraph every time you correct the problem, you probably have a lot of direct formatting - use Formatting Cleanup as described below.

Jutoh does not warn about colours that are not black or white, since it's more likely that they have been chosen deliberately (and with luck, sparingly, for example for headings).

If you see '=>' in the message, it means that Jutoh has determined that the style to the right of this symbol is the style that actually contains the colour definition, and from which the other style derives. For example, 'Heading 1 Bold => Heading 1', which means that 'Heading 1 Bold' derives from 'Heading 1', and 'Heading 1' needs to be edited to remove the colour. The Styles tab will also tell you if the style at the text cursor position is based on another style.

To fix the problem:

You can switch the tip off for all projects by clicking on the Options tool in the toolbar and clearing the advanced setting Colour warning.

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