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KB0247: How do I create a hanging indent?

A hanging indent is where the first line of a paragraph is flush left, and the subsequent lines are indented.

To do this in Jutoh, choose or create a paragraph style, called, say, "Hanging Indent". You can create a style in the Styles tab of the Formatting Palette, by right-clicking (or control-clicking on Mac), and choosing New | Paragraph Style. Or you can do it from the Styles page of the Project Properties dialog, which you can access by clicking on Edit in the toolbar.

In the style dialog, click on Indents & Spacing. Here you can set the overall paragraph indent, and first line indent, in tenths of a mm. So try 60 in the Left field, and 0 (zero) in the Left (first line) field.

Now go back to the editor and apply the style to your current paragraph or selected paragraphs, either by double-clicking in the Styles tab of the Formatting Palette, or selecting the style in the Tools tab or in the toolbar above the editor (if enabled via View | Customise Toolbars).

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0246: Why does Jutoh warn about direct formatting? | Next: KB0248: Why does Jutoh warn about non-standard text size?