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KB0305: Can I create an interactive and/or multimedia books with Jutoh?

See also:
Adding interactivity to your book in the Jutoh manual
Working with media objects in the Jutoh manual

Yes, you can create interactive and multimedia books with Jutoh but not all ebook readers will support video or JavaScript (for example, Kindle supports neither). But if you can specify which ereader should be used, e.g. Readium, then you can use most Epub 3 facilities. Jutoh doesn't give any help (such as pre-programmed modules) in creating special book features using JavaScript - it simply allows you to add your JavaScript to your project, with hooks in the Epub 3 content that will link up with JavaScript (e.g. buttons that invoke JavaScript functions).

Jutoh lets you specify external resources for video and audio so you can reduce the size of the ebook file by not including them in the compiled file.

For a simple demo of JavaScript-based interactivity, click Browse Samples on the Help menu and choose "Epub 3 Sample.jutoh". Clicking on controls in a form results in messages written to an 'output' object on the page. A small JavaScript fragment is associated with the "Interactivity" document, which you can view by right-clicking/control-clicking over the "Interactivity" document in the project outline, clicking on Properties and then clicking on JavaScript.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0304: Can Jutoh automatically convert my SVG pictures to PNG bitmaps? | Next: KB0306: How can I remove certain chapters from the table of contents and navigation map?