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KB0319: How do I embed remote audio or video in my project?

If you create a media object in Jutoh, you can specify a URL instead of a local resource, and Jutoh will generate code for Epub 3 to list this resource and prevent an EpubCheck error.

If you have added arbitrary HTML to your project that contains a reference to a remote resource, then Jutoh can't find and list this resource automatically, and you may see this EpubCheck error:

ERROR (EpubCheck): OPS/section-0003.xhtml(12,108): Remote resource reference not allowed; resource must be placed in the OCF.

To fix this, add a media document and specify Remote resource and the remote URL when prompted.

If the URL has no file extension, you will need to specify the media type as well since Jutoh can't deduce it. If no media type is specified, and there is no extension, the resource may not be included in the Epub 3 book and you will see an EpubCheck error as above.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0318: Why does Jutoh show 'XML parsing error' when trying to import an ODT file? | Next: KB0320: Some Kindle tables render poorly in Kindle Previewer 3