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KB0392: How can I compare the content of one project with another?

If a project has been edited, you might want to check what those edits are, or verify that editing hasn't accidentally made unwanted edits, especially if someone else has been editing the project.

There isn't a feature in Jutoh specifically to do this, but you can achieve it with a few steps. The following will help you check text edits, but not formatting changes.

  1. Have a copy of the project to hand, before edits were made. It's a good idea to get into the habit of using the command File | Save Snapshot command to save a copy of the file with a timestamp in the file name.

  2. For both the latest version and the pre-edited version, switch the configuration to "Text". Create a text configuration if there isn't one already.

  3. Edit the configuration for each file and ensure Wrap paragraphs is disabled.

  4. Compile with the "Text" configuration for both files.

  5. You now have two .txt files that you can compare with a 'diff' tool such as Meld or Beyond Compare.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0391: Why do I get duplicated tables of contents? | Next: KB0393: Why does the contents hierarchy in my PDF show incorrectly in Adobe Digital Editions?