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KB0404: How can I check for duplicate bibliographic entries?

If you are storing your bibliographic entries in Jutoh, whether in a separate database or throughout the book, it's easy to accidentally create duplicate entries. You might use a short name twice for different references, or use different short names for the same (or very similar) entry fields.

There isn't a specific tool to help with this in Jutoh, but you can create an alphabetical list of entries which you can look through to quickly identify duplicates. This involves temporarily generating a bibliography section with a different formatting template that includes the short name. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Bibliography page in Project Properties, for example by clicking Edit in the toolbar. Click Formatting Templates.

  2. Click Clone to create a new template, then Edit. You can change the template name to say, "Alphabetical Entries".

  3. Before the line "<!-- A catch-all formatting clause -->", paste this code:

        <write if-variable-set="Short name">
            <variable name="Short name"/>
            <text value=": "/>
    This will write the short name followed by a colon and space, at the start of each entry. To copy the text from this help topic to paste into the template editor, select the text above, right-click, and click Copy.
  4. Click OK, and then (still in the Bibliography page), set Current formatting template to the name of your new template, e.g. "Alphabetical Entries".

  5. Click on the Options page, and check Add all entries in source, to output all the entries and not just the ones you reference in the book.

  6. Check Sort by, clear the existing value, and enter "Title" or other field name you wish to sort by.

  7. Click Generate Bibliography Now, and then click OK to return to the editor.

  8. You will now have an alphabetical list of entries in your Bibliography chapter, which you can look at in situ or copy and paste to another editor if you find that easier.

To make it easier to find the citation fields in your book, so you can update or delete duplicates, you can set the advanced setting "Inspector citation format" in Preferences/Advanced. Enter a string containing keywords such as "(%VALUE%) %SHORT NAME% %TITLE%". This will show the original citation value in brackets - the value that would be displayed in the Inspector normally, i.e. the citation text such as a number - followed by the values of the "Short name" and "Title" fields for each citation.

After setting this value, click Refresh in the Inspector. You should now see fuller information for each citation, and you can search for text in the search field at the bottom. Click or double-click on an entry to see it at its location in the book.

When you're done, you can revert the options you changed and select the default formatting template.

Once you've created your new formatting template, in future it will be quicker to do the above procedure since you only need to select the formatting template and change options.

Having found duplicates, how do I resolve them?

You will often have different citation fields containing the same short name and other fields, because you may refer to the same reference multiple times.

But what happens if:

  1. you have two or more citation fields with the same short name, but the other fields have different values? or,

  2. you have two or more citation fields with different short names, but the same or similar other field values?

Case (1) is unlikely, because Jutoh tries to synchronize citations through the collated internal database. Even if you do initially have fields like this, when you update the bibliography, the internal database will throw away all but the first citation with a given short name. (It's possible that bibliography databases other than the internal database might still have some duplicates of this kind.)

Case (2) is more likely - you have added essentially the same reference with different short names. In this case, you can identify the names of the duplicates as detailed above, and search for the usage of those short names in the Inspector with Citations selected. Then you can click on the items in the Inspector to see the citations in situ, and reinsert the citation. The unused citations will not appear in the internal database after an update. If you have duplicates in databases other than the internal one, you can edit the database in Project Properties/Indexes/Bibliography/Entries and delete the duplicates.

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