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KB0066: What is EpubCheck?

See also: How do I update EpubCheck?, and Chapter 10: Troubleshooting your book in the Jutoh book (external link)

EpubCheck is a free tool written by Adobe for checking Epub content for syntax and other errors. Although Jutoh strives to create correct HTML and Epub, sometimes incorrect syntax or structural problems get through, especially if you write custom HTML or CSS, so it's useful to have EpubCheck spot any issues so you can correct them.

Plus, many distributors have the requirement that your book passes EpubCheck. So it's essential you run EpubCheck before uploading your file.

Jutoh comes with EpubCheck built in, though you can use a different version if you want. To run EpubCheck, click on Check in the control panel (bottom left pane) after you have compiled your Epub. Or, you can tell Jutoh to always run EpubCheck after a compile, by checking Preferences/General/Check epub after compiling.

Any errors are shown in the Error window. Unless the error has no specific context, you can double-click on an error to see it in context in the HTML or OPF file. Also, for most errors, you will see a hint supplied by Jutoh that will clarify the error message and what you can do about it.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0065: Do I have to buy a new copy of Jutoh for every computer or operating system? | Next: KB0067: How do I upload my book to Amazon and other services?