Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0212: Can Jutoh be used to create Hindi or Tamil books? | Next: KB0214: What size should my images be?

KB0213: Why is list indentation inconsistent in the generated ebook, but not in Jutoh?

If you find that one or more items in a list have the wrong indentation in the compiled ebook, despite other items being OK, it's probably because you imported from a Word document that used several different list styles within the same list.

Jutoh requires that a list has all its formatted with the same list style, including nested items in the list.

To fix the problem, go to the list in question within the Jutoh editor. In Formatting Palette/Styles, observe the list styles used for each paragraph in the list. If there is more than one list style name in use across items in the list, select the items and use Format | Lists | Bullets and Numbering to apply the same list style as the other items.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0212: Can Jutoh be used to create Hindi or Tamil books? | Next: KB0214: What size should my images be?