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KB0225: How can I switch off Kindle page flip so my Kindle Unlimited income is not reduced?

Unfortunately, it appears that it is no longer possible to switch off Kindle Enhanced Typesetting - Amazon works around attempts to disable it. So the "Kindle enhanced typesetting compatibility" configuration option has been removed. The original topic is included below for reference.

See also: How can I preview enhanced typesetting for Kindle files?

There is a little problem with Kindle books submitted to Kindle Unlimited. If enhanced typesetting and page flip is enabled for the book, page turns using page flip mode won't be counted, potentially reducing the income of Kindle authors.

If you want to disable enhanced typesetting (and page flip), you can clear the configuration option "Kindle enhanced typesetting compatibility" in your Kindle configurations. This will add some HTML code to the end of the first section of your reflowable book, which enhanced typesetting doesn't like and therefore causes the book to revert to standard KF8.

Currently, the HTML code is a table within a table, containing a 1px x 1px white GIF (without content, the table is optimized out). It might change in future if enhanced typesetting adds nested table support.

To manually insert the code instead of using the configuration option (for example if you want to place it in a custom location), paste this into a separate paragraph:

<table><tr><td><table><tr><td><img alt="" src=""/></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>

Then format the paragraph with the style "HTML" (create it if it doesn't already exist). This tells Jutoh to pass the HTML directly to the Epub section.

Note that it's likely that Amazon will solve this problem before long, perhaps by counting slow page flips as pages read.

You can tell if Kindle Previewer 3 is showing your book with enhanced typesetting since "Enhanced typesetting" is shown with a green tick next to it, and you can see thumbnails of your pages as well as the book preview.

Beware of a KP3 glitch - when switching enhanced typesetting on and off in your book, the next preview of the book may not reflect reality. You may see enhanced typesetting when there should be none, or no enhanced typesetting when it should be shown. It's unknown why this happens but you may be able to fix it by changing some content in your book, compiling, then running KP3 separately from Jutoh and opening your .mobi file manually.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0224: How can I stop sections starting on a new page? | Next: KB0226: How can I preview enhanced typesetting for Kindle files?