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KB0257: Does Jutoh require Java?

Jutoh only needs Java for EpubCheck, invoked when you press Check after compiling an Epub file.

If you don't want to install Java, you can submit your file to an external Epub checking service that runs EpubCheck for you.

Alternatively, if you have Kindle Previewer installer, you can use the Java that's installed with that. On Windows, it can be found in a location similar to this:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Amazon\Kindle Previewer\jre\bin\java.exe

You can find the exact location by viewing the shortcut properties for Kindle Previewer (right-click, click Properties).

To use this location, click on Options on the Jutoh toolbar, click on Helpers, and in Epub checker command, use the above path instead of just java.exe.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0256: Why do I get a message at the top of my ebook pages about upgrading to Jutoh Plus? | Next: KB0258: Why is scaled image quality poor in Adobe Digital Editions?