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KB0328: How can I have Jutoh automatically update a revision number for each compile?

See also: Working with fields in the Jutoh manual

Sometimes it can be helpful to uniquely identify each compilation of an ebook when testing it, especially if you're not sure whether a viewer is correctly showing the very latest version of your book. You can compare the revision as shown in the ebook viewer to the one in the Jutoh project.

You can ensure that each revision is uniquely identified by inserting a field that is incremented each time you click Compile:

  1. In your title page, or elsewhere, type the text Revision: and ensure the cursor is where you want the revision number to be.

  2. Insert a set variable field, via the Objects tab in the Formatting Palette.

  3. When prompted for details, enter inc:Revision for the name (Revision is an arbitrary name).

  4. Click OK.

  5. Now click Compile to see the number change.

You can always reset the number if you wish, by clicking on the field and entering a value.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0327: Why does a German start quotation mark used for drop caps cause a page break in Kindle Previewer 3? | Next: KB0329: Jutoh doesn't appear to save my changes