Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0328: How can I have Jutoh automatically update a revision number for each compile? | Next: KB0330: How do I eliminate a Lulu warning about meta@dtb:uid content?

KB0329: Jutoh doesn't appear to save my changes

See also: Is Jutoh compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon Drive and iCloud?

If you make modifications, but the original Jutoh file appears not to change, the project is probably in a Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon Drive or iCloud folder. Therefore Jutoh is editing the file in a temporary location, because cloud drives interfere with Jutoh editing operations.

You can see the name of the temporary file by showing the Project Properties dialog (click Edit on the toolbar) and clicking on the Info tab in Jutoh 2 or under Metadata/Project/Information in Jutoh 3. If the file is being edited in a temporary location, an Editing in message will be shown.

To write the edits to the original file, close your project.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0328: How can I have Jutoh automatically update a revision number for each compile? | Next: KB0330: How do I eliminate a Lulu warning about meta@dtb:uid content?