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KB0349: Why does my project contain duplicate styles?

You may find your project has apparently duplicated styles such as "Heading 1_1" and "Heading 1_2".

Suffixes can be added by Jutoh if using File | Import | Import Document to import further documents into an existing project. It won't happen if you're importing from a single document with all sections combined, via File | New Project or File | Import | Reimport Project.

When Jutoh imports via File | Import | Import Document, it checks clashing styles to see whether it can reuse an existing style or (if there are differences in formatting) create a duplicate with a numeric suffix. This helps preserve formatting since Jutoh can't know whether you mean the formatting differences to be significant or not. In general it's better to import from a single file if possible, when creating a new project.

However, you can change this behaviour. Click Edit on the toolbar, and in the Options page of Project Properties, clear Resolve clashing styles. Now when you import a document into an existing project, the existing style definitions will be used for any given style in the imported document, and styles will not be renamed.

If you find you have extraneous styles in your project, you can use Edit | Find and Replace to change paragraph styles e.g. "Heading 1_2" to "Heading 1". Go to the start of the project, Click >> in Find and Replace, then in Additional Criteria, add a Find style (click Add, then Paragraph Style, then choose a style) and a Replace style. Then click Replace All.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0348: How can I avoid having a large table of contents at the front of the book? | Next: KB0350: Why are some files disabled (greyed out) in file selection dialogs on Mac?