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KB0366: How do I create a Jutoh template?

A Jutoh template is just a Jutoh project, with the normal .jutoh extension. So you can use File | Save As to save a copy of the current Jutoh project with a different name, or you can simply make a copy using your operating system's file manager.

You can have the usual things in a project - content, stylesheets, configurations, etc. - and decide which to apply via the options when using the template in the New Project dialog or when using the menu command File | Import | Import from Project.

A Jutoh style sheet template is a different kind of template, containing only style sheets, and may be applied when creating a new project using the New Project dialog. To save a style sheet template, click Edit on the toolbar to show the Project Properties, click Styles, and click the Save icon. You can then choose whether to save all current stylesheets in the .stylesheet file, or selected ones, before choosing the file name and location.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0365: Why does the first item link to the top of the page in my custom index, such as illustration index? | Next: KB0367: Why are boxes cut in half on Kindle?