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KB0218: Hyperlink not resolved error when compiling a Kindle book

See also: Why could the toc not be built when compiling for Kindle?

You may see this error when compiling with a Kindle configuration:

ERROR (Kindlegen): E24010: Hyperlink not resolved


ERROR (Kindlegen): E24010: Hyperlink not resolved in toc

First, check each link in Jutoh by clicking on the linked text to see whether there might be a badly-formed URL, for example a missing forward slash in http:// or a rogue space at the start of the link.

Next, try rebuilding the table of contents with Format | Book | Build Table of Contents if you're using an advanced table of contents. You can look at the entries by clicking on Edit on the toolbar, and then on Indexes.

If that doesn't work, it may be some corrupt formatting left over from a previous version of Jutoh interfering with the bookmark. Jutoh will warn about text objects with bad formatting, so you can go to each one by double-clicking on the errors and click on each object to clean it up. Or, you can clean up old formatting with the command Format | Book | Formatting Cleanup, checking the option Remove old formatting near the end of the list of options. Then rebuild the table of contents, or manually insert a new bookmark if necessary.

If you still can't work out which bookmark is missing, switch to the "Epub" configuration, and press Compile followed by Check. Now you can view the contents of the Epub file. Go to the file mentioned in the EpubCheck error message by double-clicking on the error message, to see the link that's using a missing bookmark. This should give you enough information to go back to the original document in Jutoh, and fix the problem by adding the appropriate bookmark.

Contents | Start | End | Previous: KB0217: Does Jutoh support hyphenation? | Next: KB0219: Jutoh is telling me about a corrupt object or old formatting